"The best over-ear headphones are still unmatched in terms of soundstage, audio quality, and comfort – even if you like the look and convenience of earbuds."

"What's more, if keeping your ears healthy long into your twilight years is important to you, then these headphones also tend to be better for your ear health. That's because you don't need to amp up the volume to get a great audio performance and noise-cancellation."

"With the LCD-1 open-back headphones, Audeze has brought its uncompromising technology down to a real-world(ish) price. As long as you are prepared to do your listening in splendid isolation – that design will generate some sound leakage – there’s just no reason to overlook these over-ear headphones."

"The LCD-1s’ overall presentation, no matter the material you’re listening to nor the volume at which you’re listening, is composed, engaging and entirely believable. Listen to music you’ve never heard before and you’ll never doubt you’re being given the full picture."

"Listen to music you’ve heard a thousand times before and there’s every chance the LCD-1's will find some nuance in there you’ve never really heard before."

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